Blog - Real Estate 101

Foreclosures, Can You Still Get a Great Deal?

In 2010, the lowest point in the housing market, buyers got some incredible bargains.  Some homes in Brevard County were selling at prices half of what they were just four years earlier and nearly half of what they are going for now.  Foreclosures were plentiful and banks needing to unload


What Is Title Insurance?

If you’ve ever looked into buying a home, you’ve probably heard about a little something called title insurance. This mysterious entity is an important part of any real estate transaction, yet is often poorly understood by everyone involved in the sale. Hopefully we can clear up some of that confusion

Value of Home

What Decides the Value of My Home?

Updated on 6/27/2022 Ever wondered what your home may be worth? You probably have considering it is likely your biggest personal investment and most valuable asset. Well, before you can even take a shot at a number you have to learn what kind of things decide the fair market value


Home Photography: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

If you’re looking to sell your home on the real estate market, getting the right pictures is imperative. For the vast majority of buyers, the first impressions of your home are the pictures on an MLS listing or advertisement. With this mind, we highly recommend working with an agent skilled


Speaking Real Estate: A Guide to Terminology

Understanding what your REALTOR® is talking about is obviously important if you want to involve yourself in the real estate. While any agent worth their license will make everything clear and understandable for you, it is helpful to have existing knowledge anyway. Check out the list of assorted terms below